Sentiment API

The Sentiment API provides fast and accurate sentiment analysis results for any given text.

/v1/sentiment GET

Returns sentiment analysis score and overall sentiment for a given block of text.


  • text  required

    Query text for sentiment analysis. Maximum 2000 characters.


  • X-Api-Key  required

    API Key associated with your account.


  • score

    Sentiment analysis score from -1 to 1. 1 is the most positive, -1 is the most negative, and 0 is neutral.

  • text

    Text that was analyzed.

  • sentiment

    Overall sentiment of the text. Possible values are POSITIVE, WEAK_POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, WEAK_NEGATIVE, and NEUTRAL.

Sample Request Live Demo!

text'm loving it!


X-Api-KeyLog in or sign up to get your API Key

Sample Response

1 2 3 4 5 { "score": 0.622, "text": "I'm loving it", "sentiment": "POSITIVE" }

Code Examples

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 import requests text = "I'm loving it" api_url = '{}'.format(text) response = requests.get(api_url, headers={'X-Api-Key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'}) if response.status_code == print(response.text) else: print("Error:", response.status_code, response.text)

If your programming language is not listed in the Code Example above, you can still make API calls by using a HTTP request library written in your programming language and following the above documentation.