Crypto Price API

The Crypto Price API provides access to live market prices for several hundred different cryptocurrencies.

/v1/cryptoprice GET

Returns the current price and current time (in UNIX timestamp in seconds) for any cryptocurrency symbol. For historical price data, see /v1/cryptopricehistorical.


  • symbol  required

    Cryptocurrency symbol (e.g. LTCBTC). To get the full list of available symbols, use the Crypto Symbols API.


  • X-Api-Key  required

    API Key associated with your account.


  • symbol

    The cryptocurrency trading pair symbol (e.g. LTCBTC).

  • price

    The current price of the cryptocurrency pair.

  • timestamp

    The timestamp of the price in Unix format (in seconds).

Sample Request Live Demo!



X-Api-KeyLog in or sign up to get your API Key

Sample Response

1 2 3 4 5 { "symbol": "LTCBTC", "price": "0.00381400", "timestamp": 1637809196 }

Code Examples

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 import requests symbol = 'LTCBTC' api_url = '{}'.format(symbol) response = requests.get(api_url, headers={'X-Api-Key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'}) if response.status_code == print(response.text) else: print("Error:", response.status_code, response.text)

If your programming language is not listed in the Code Example above, you can still make API calls by using a HTTP request library written in your programming language and following the above documentation.

/v1/cryptopricehistorical GET Premium Only

Returns historical price data for any cryptocurrency pair in OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) format. The data is returned in descending order (most recent first).


  • symbol  required

    Cryptocurrency symbol (e.g. LTCBTC). Use the same values as the symbol parameter in /v1/cryptoprice.

  • interval  optional

    Time interval between data points. Valid values are: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 4h, 1d. Default is 5m.

  • start  optional

    Start timestamp in Unix format (in seconds). If not provided, defaults to 24 hours ago.

  • end  optional

    End timestamp in Unix format (in seconds). If not provided, defaults to current time.

  • limit  optional

    Maximum number of data points to return. Default is 100, maximum is 1000.


  • X-Api-Key  required

    API Key associated with your account.


  • open

    The opening price of the cryptocurrency.

  • high

    The highest price of the cryptocurrency.

  • low

    The lowest price of the cryptocurrency.

  • close

    The closing price of the cryptocurrency.

  • volume

    The volume of the cryptocurrency traded in the time period.

  • close_time

    The timestamp of the closing price in Unix format (in milliseconds).

  • timestamp

    The timestamp of the price in Unix format (in seconds).

  • price

    The current price of the cryptocurrency pair. This is the same value as the close field.

Historical Price Sample Request

Historical Price Sample Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 [ { "open": "0.00381100", "high": "0.00381100", "low": "0.00380100", "close": "0.00380900", "volume": "6.41000000", "close_time": 1637812799999, "timestamp": 1637812799, "price": "0.00380900" }, { "open": "0.00379800", "high": "0.00382900", "low": "0.00377100", "close": "0.00381400", "volume": "338.95000000", "close_time": 1637816399999, "timestamp": 1637816399, "price": "0.00381400" }, { "open": "0.00381400", "high": "0.00381400", "low": "0.00378100", "close": "0.00378100", "volume": "97.99000000", "close_time": 1637819999999, "timestamp": 1637819999, "price": "0.00378100" }, { "open": "0.00379800", "high": "0.00380600", "low": "0.00375500", "close": "0.00377400", "volume": "143.66000000", "close_time": 1637823599999, "timestamp": 1637823599, "price": "0.00377400" }, { "open": "0.00377400", "high": "0.00378100", "low": "0.00376700", "close": "0.00376700", "volume": "39.30000000", "close_time": 1637827199999, "timestamp": 1637827199, "price": "0.00376700" }, "..." ]