Most Popular APIs
Our most popular APIs based on usage and customer satisfaction.
Live DemoCommodity Price
Real-time prices for dozens of commonly-traded commodities.
Live DemoInterest Rate
Get current interest rates from all central banks and benchmarks.
Live DemoNutrition
Extract nutrition data from text with our natural language processing algorithms.
Live DemoQuotes
Access over 50,000 quotes from famous people throughout history.
Live DemoWhois
Look up domain registry information using WHOIS protocol for any domain.
High-quality financial data APIs to power your next fintech product.
Live DemoNewBIN
BIN lookup for credit card brands, types, and more.
Live DemoBitcoin
Get the last Bitcoin pricing and market data.
Live DemoCommodity Price
Real-time prices for dozens of commonly-traded commodities.
Live DemoConvert Currency
Convert between currencies using current exchange rates.
Live DemoCrypto Price
Get current price data for any cryptocurrency.
Live DemoCrypto Symbols
Retrieve hundreds of cryptocurrency ticker symbols.
Live DemoEarnings Calendar
Earnings result announcements for all major companies.
Live DemoEarnings Call Transcript
Transcript of earnings calls for all major companies.
Live DemoNewEuribor
Get current Euribor rates for different maturities.
Live DemoExchange Rate
Get current exchange rates for any currency pair.
Live DemoGold Price
Real-time price for gold futures.
Live DemoIBAN
Look up any International Bank Account Number (IBAN).
Live DemoNewIncome Tax
Get current and historical income tax rates.
Live DemoNewIncome Tax Calculator
Detailed income tax calculator for the United States and Canada.
Live DemoInflation
Get current inflation data for the dozens of countries.
Live DemoInterest Rate
Get current interest rates from all central banks and benchmarks.
Live DemoLIBOR
Get current and historical LIBOR rates for all tenors.
Live DemoMarket Cap
Real-time market cap data for all companies in major exchanges.
Live DemoMortgage Calculator
Simple-yet-powerful mortgage calculator for home financing.
Live DemoMortgage Rate
Current and historical mortgage rate data.
Live DemoProperty Tax
Get property tax rate data for different cities, zip codes and counties.
Live DemoRouting Number
Lookup and search for routing numbers for over 28,000 banks.
Live DemoSales Tax
Detailed sales tax calculator for any region in the USA.
Live DemoSEC
Search millions of SEC filings from public companies.
Live DemoNewStock Exchange
Key information about every stock exchange around the world.
Live DemoStock Price
Real-time stock prices for all companies and exchanges.
Live DemoSWIFT Code
Search SWIFT Codes for hundreds of thousands of bank branches.
Live DemoNewVAT
Get VAT tax rates for any country in the European Union.
Internet/Technology APIs to boost your IT toolset.
Live DemoDNS Lookup
Look up DNS records for any domain.
Live DemoDomain
Check domain availability and retrieve basic registration information.
Live DemoIP Lookup
Lookup location information for any IP address.
Live DemoPassword Generator
Generate random passwords that are hard to guess.
Live DemoQR Code
Generate custom QR codes for any data.
Live DemoURL Lookup
Lookup location information for any URL domain.
Live DemoNewUser Agent
Parse and generate user agent strings.
Live DemoValidate Phone
Check whether a phone number is valid and get its metadata.
Live DemoNewValidate Email
Check whether an email address is valid and get its metadata.
Live DemoWeb Scraper
Web scraper API to retrieve HTML and plaintext data from any website URL.
Live DemoWhois
Look up domain registry information using WHOIS protocol for any domain.
AI/Computer Vision
State-of-the-art artificial intelligence APIs including natural language processing and computer vision.
Live DemoEmbeddings
Encode any text to vectors using state-of-the-art machine learning models.
Live DemoFace Detect
Detect faces from any given image.
Live DemoImage to Text
State-of-the-art text detection and extraction from images.
Live DemoObject Detection
Fast and accurate image object recognition using the latest machine learning algorithms.
Live DemoSentiment
Text sentiment analysis using state-of-the-art algorithms.
Live DemoText Similarity
Compute text similarity score using the latest NLP machine learning models.
Interesting animal and pet data APIs.
Live DemoAnimals
Detailed and interesting facts for thousands of animal species.
Live DemoCats
Complete list of information for every cat breed.
Live DemoDogs
All you need to know about every breed of man's best friend.
General knowledge APIs - perfect for building fun, lighthearted applications!
Live DemoNewAdvice
Get a random piece of life advice.
Live DemoBucket List
Inspirational bucket list ideas for every type of person.
Live DemoCelebrity
Juicy information on famous celebrities including entertainers, athletes, and politicians.
Live DemoChuck Norris
Thousands of funny Chuck Norris jokes for your entertainment apps.
Live DemoDad Jokes
Thousands of hilarious dad jokes at your disposal.
Live DemoEmoji
Get image and metadata information for every Unicode emoji.
Live DemoFacts
Access our database of over 100,000 interesting facts.
Live DemoHobbies
Thousands of hobby ideas for people of all ages.
Live DemoJokes
Funny jokes perfect for a comedy app or to entertain your friends.
Live DemoQuotes
Access over 50,000 quotes from famous people throughout history.
Live DemoRiddles
Quality riddles perfect for entertainment apps.
Live DemoTrivia
Endless knowledge from our database of over 100,000 trivia questions and answers.
Health, fitness and food APIs for your next wellness-focused app.
Live DemoCalories Burned
Calories burned calculator for hundreds of different sports/activities.
Live DemoCocktail
Search thousands of cocktail recipes.
Live DemoCovid-19
Covid-19 case count and death data for every country in the world.
Live DemoExercises
Get workout exercises for every muscle group.
Live DemoHospitals
Get detailed information about hospitals in the United States.
Live DemoNutrition
Extract nutrition data from text with our natural language processing algorithms.
Live DemoRecipe
Look up over 200,000 recipes from cuisines around the world.
Miscellaneous data APIs - uncategorized but still amazingly useful!
Live DemoBaby Names
Popular and unique baby name name generator for boys, girls, and gender-neutral names.
Custom numerical counters to keep track of anything.
Live DemoHistorical Events
Search through the most famous events in history.
Live DemoHistorical Figures
Get vital information on the most famous people in history.
Live DemoHolidays
Get holiday dates for every country until 2030.
Live DemoLogo
Logo images for tens of thousands of different companies.
Live DemoPlanets
Astronomy info on every planet discovered in our universe.
Live DemoPublic Holidays
Get public holidays for any country and year for over 100 different countries.
Live DemoRandom Image
Random high-quality images for your design needs.
Live DemoRandom User
Random user data generator for placeholders and testing.
Live DemoStars
Astronomy info on every star discovered in our universe.
Location-based tools and data service APIs for your geo needs.
Live DemoAir Quality
Get current air quality information including AQI and major pollutants.
Live DemoCity
Useful statistics for tens of thousands of cities around the world.
Live DemoCountry
Key statistics for over 200 countries and regions around the world.
Live DemoNewCountry Flag
Get flag images for any country.
Live DemoNewCounty
Search detailed information for every county in the United States.
Live DemoGDP
Get current and historical GDP data for any country.
Live DemoGeocoding
Convert cities to geolocation (latitude/longitude) coordinates.
Live DemoPopulation
Historical, current, and projected ppulation data for over 200 countries and regions around the world.
Live DemoReverse Geocoding
Convert geolocation (latitude/longitude) coordinates to cities.
Timezone data for any location on the planet.
Live DemoUnemployment
Get current and historical unemployment data for any country.
Access current weather data for hundreds of thousands of regions in the world.
World Time
Get the current time for any location in the world.
Live DemoZip Code
Search and get detailed information for every ZIP code in the United States.
Advanced suite of text processing APIs.
Live DemoDictionary
Look up any word in the English dictionary.
Live DemoLorem Ipsum
Generate lorem ipsum placeholder text for your application.
Live DemoProfanity Filter
Detect and censor profanity in text.
Live DemoRandom Word
Random word generator full of unique, interesting words.
Live DemoRhyme
Look up rhyming words for any English word.
Live DemoText Language
Detects the language of any input text.
Live DemoThesaurus
Get synonym and antonyms for any word.
Transportation APIs to help you get around.
Live DemoAircraft
Detailed technical specs for over 1,000 airplane models.
Live DemoAirlines
General and detailed fleet information for over 1,000 airlines.
Live DemoAirports
Access vital data for 30,000 different airports worldwide.
Live DemoCars
Detailed data on tens of thousands of vehicles from dozens of automakers.
Live DemoHelicopter
Detailed technical specs for hundreds of helicopter models.
Live DemoMotorcycles
Detailed technical specifications on tens of thousands of motorcycle models.
Live DemoVIN Lookup
Find vehicle information from Vehicle Identification Numbers.