Animals API

The Animals API provides interesting scientific facts on thousands of different animal species.

/v1/animals GET

Returns up to 10 results matching the input name parameter.


  • name  required

    Common name of animal to search. This parameter supports partial matches (e.g. fox will match gray fox and red fox).


  • X-Api-Key  required

    API Key associated with your account.

Sample Request Live Demo!



X-Api-KeyLog in or sign up to get your API Key

Sample Response

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 [ { "name": "Cheetah", "taxonomy": { "kingdom": "Animalia", "phylum": "Chordata", "class": "Mammalia", "order": "Carnivora", "family": "Felidae", "genus": "Acinonyx", "scientific_name": "Acinonyx jubatus" }, "locations": [ "Africa", "Asia", "Eurasia" ], "characteristics": { "prey": "Gazelle, Wildebeest, Hare", "name_of_young": "Cub", "group_behavior": "Solitary/Pairs", "estimated_population_size": "8,500", "biggest_threat": "Habitat loss", "most_distinctive_feature": "Yellowish fur covered in small black spots", "gestation_period": "90 days", "habitat": "Open grassland", "diet": "Carnivore", "average_litter_size": "3", "lifestyle": "Diurnal", "common_name": "Cheetah", "number_of_species": "5", "location": "Asia and Africa", "slogan": "The fastest land mammal in the world!", "group": "Mammal", "color": "BrownYellowBlackTan", "skin_type": "Fur", "top_speed": "70 mph", "lifespan": "10 - 12 years", "weight": "40kg - 65kg (88lbs - 140lbs)", "height": "115cm - 136cm (45in - 53in)", "age_of_sexual_maturity": "20 - 24 months", "age_of_weaning": "3 months" } } ]

Code Examples

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 import requests name = 'cheetah' api_url = '{}'.format(name) response = requests.get(api_url, headers={'X-Api-Key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'}) if response.status_code == print(response.text) else: print("Error:", response.status_code, response.text)

If your programming language is not listed in the Code Example above, you can still make API calls by using a HTTP request library written in your programming language and following the above documentation.